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Once Was

I had a dream last week and I remember. I know we dream a lot in general, it's just that most of the time we don't recollect! I never do anyway, 4 times a year maybe! I was seeing ghosts... I recall sleeping in my bed, then seeing huge dark shadows approaching... I was panicky to say the least, then everything came in focus and I saw their faces...

They were just like us. Normal looking attributes like us with clothes and bodies and glasses, etc., but they were definitely ghosts... There was this one vivid face of a man staring at me emotionless... They were looking for something in my house, everywhere... Something, but I'm not sure what...

Then I was outside, in the bright sunshine... Myself and about 20 other 'ghosts' were standing on a dock, ocean glistening... Then I saw my dad, in his pajamas and the old robe that he used to wear years back when I was a little boy... He was standing next to me, smiling... and then he raised his arm and pointed to the glaring sun while staring directly at it... then I started crying uncontrollably... I was bitterly sad for I don't know why...

I do not know what it all means, but that's the bulk of it. Good thing is that I saw my dad yesterday and he was happy as a clam. For me, I think my 'life' will go on after this one. Where/whatever I may be/become. Must true 'life' be presented in a physical form to be called such?


While I was searching for a particular Flash file from my old journals, I came across the above written back in May 16th, 2005. That was quite a dream that I had. I saw my mom and dad this past weekend and they're still relatively happy. Anyway, so many odd entries that I wrote. My very own entertainment. The below was from July 22nd the same year. Short and sweet.



Enlightenment for a wave in the ocean is the moment the wave realises that it is water.

How well do I know myself? My other selves? Aren't we always learning? Learning and absorbing material that goes into our brains - and our hearts! Learn from the 'good' things, also from the 'bad', and then create something beautiful...

Know who you are... and embrace!

Quote: Thich Nhat Hanh


I found my file. Enjoy your Sunday.

Comments (2)

If you are lucky, you will spend a lifetime learning who you are.

Tears can mean a lot of things, Robert. I've had dreams that were visited by a divine love that made me sob with grief. There will be an answer - let it be...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 2, 2009 9:42 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Untitled 0128*.

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