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Untitled 0152


Chillin'. I think autumn is my favorite season of all. I hope everyone is having a good start of the week.


Currently listening:
Cary Brothers - If You Were Here

Comments (3)

A gorgeous shot and sums up why autumn is my favorite season. I think everything about it sums up what is precious and fragile about life -- the light, the colors, the changing weather. I always embrace it with memories of past autumns and hope for ones to come before winter and shorter days approach.

this is so beautifully soft and peaceful, robert.

i love autumn - crisp air, butternut squash, pumpkins, earlier evenings, red wine, introspection, friendship and love...it's all about moving from the openness and casualness of summer into the intimacy and cleansing of fall.

Autumn down here is a slow drift into a cooler summer. But I remember fondly the northern falls, their dramatic color, exultant cooling, their bounty and poignant expectancy. I adored autumn as much as I mistrusted spring. Nice photo, soft gold light.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 5, 2009 2:44 PM.

The previous post in this blog was No Place Like Home.

The next post in this blog is Untitled 0153*.

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